We give you 5 reasons why you should take this course:
95% of the contents of the course are practical and technical, there is almost no theory in the course because what works in the street is the practice, you acquire a wide toolbox to be able to face with maximum efficiency the reality of the street.
More than 1,200 cartridges are fired in a week in different practices and exercises, a detail that in Spain would be unfeasible in terms of quantity of cartridges and complex exercises in movement with real fire.
The course instructors come from the special units of the various Israeli Security and Defense Forces, serve continuously in the reserves of these forces and are kept up to date with the latest techniques and practices in high-risk areas.
Signed and sealed by Guardian LTD Israel and by the Spanish Association of Escorts, the contents of the course are authorized for the export of knowledge by the Israeli Ministry of Defense No. 106117, the course is limited exclusively to members of the Security Forces and authorized private security personnel.
Guardian collaborates in Spain with the most important security companies for the recruitment of security personnel, the companies have access free of charge to the database of Guardian students, Guardian also has its own security services in Spain and South America.