RADA Electronic Industries announced on January 9 that its compact hemispheric radar (CHR) platform will be installed on Royal Netherlands Army CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for testing and evaluation under the Dutch active protection program (APS). The radar has been designed to provide search and track capabilities for projectiles ranging from fragmentation munitions to anti-tank guided weapons. The proposed RADA model has been developed specifically to meet the demands of new active protection systems and has already been incorporated into IMI Systems’ IRON FIST APS. It is a software-controlled, S-band, Doppler pulse AESA radar that introduces sophisticated beamforming and advanced signal processing, supporting a wide variety of missions. In addition to having undergone extensive testing in the IRON FIST application, the new compact radar was recently delivered to Artis for installation of the new active protection system that will equip the Dutch CV90s. Dov Sella, CEO of RADA Electronik Industries, said, “The estimated market potential of active protection systems for combat vehicles is tens of thousands of units. When European and U.S. procurement programs require APS in significant quantities, our ability to provide state-of-the-art radar systems at competitive prices makes our solution a serious candidate for any such project.” Source: http://www.ejercitos.org/2017/01/10/rada-fabricara-radar-del-sistema-proteccion-activa-los-blindados-holandeses/
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