Overcoming Corners

Overcoming Corners
CornerShot is an Israeli firearm accessory, consisting of a gun mount with the ability to sight and fire from a corner without exposing the user. It was designed in 2000 for special forces and SWAT, being employed in situations involving terrorism and hostage taking. Its purpose is the same as that of the periscope rifle.


It was designed by former Israeli Army officers, including Amos Golan, sponsored by U.S. investors. 1 Variants of this attachment, apart from the standard one, include one for 40 mm grenade launchers and a version for anti-tank weapons. 2 3 It is manufactured by Corner Shot Holdings, LLC, a Miami-based company with offices in Israel. In addition, the CornerShot has been sold in 15 countries,4 and was recently evaluated by the UK Ministry of Defense.


In its standard version, a pistol is mounted at the end of the bracket, which bends horizontally up to 60 degrees. A digital camera and flashlight are located there in bayonet position. On the opposite side of the bracket are the camera display, camera controls and flashlight controls.   [youtube_video] mHq9JUgSQGs [/youtube_video]
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