Dan.338 Rifle

Dan.338 Rifle

SAS sniper blows off head of ISIS commander who taught beheading

THE BRITISH MAN FIRED A SPECIAL SHOT FROM 1,200 METERS WITH HIS DAN.338 and Meprolight – Mepro Meslas IWI-DAN338_800   The British Special Air Service SAS sniper needed only one special bullet. He fired it from his Israeli-made Dan.338 rifle and blew off the head of the ISIS commander who was teaching 20 acolytes how to behead in piecework. The shot – fired from the weapon manufactured by Israel Weapon Industries in collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), whose qualities are based on power, precision, customizability, ergonomics, ease of transport and versatility – hit the man from a distance of…. 1,200 meters! The event occurred in a small village in northern Syria when the British special commando was stationed in a shelter and waited for the exact moment to fire. Panic gripped the rest of the jihadists present. Considering the distance of the shot and the wind that is usually present in the region, most of these operations require at least two shots. However, the SAS commando’s accuracy was such that the first shell ended his life. Source: http://www.periodistadigital.com/
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